My name is Kelli Barrett and I’m an artist.

For 22 years I’ve been a working actor and singer. I’ve done numerous roles on Broadway and Film/TV, and I’ve traveled the world with a successful concert career. But it wasn’t until the pandemic of 2020 hit that I did the harder thing, the thing I now know I had been avoiding…

I dared to ask, “What else?”

For so long my life played on loop: audition, wait for the phone to ring, repeat. Because…that’s the job, right? That’s the life we signed up for.

But then a global pandemic takes that phone off the hook and the world keeps going. I had to keep going. Forced to figure out how, I realized maybe that old life wasn’t what I signed up for.

Maybe it was what I had SETTLED for.

I dug deeper and saw all the repercussions of this settling, coming to realize that my most important relationship, the one I have with myself, had been the most neglected.

It was time to change.

I learned how to start listening to the most valuable voice in my life—my own. By cultivating self trust, I took a journey of rebuilding my relationship with my intuition and various gifts. And I finally started to bloom in ways I couldn’t imagine. I started to live the life I HAD signed up for.

I started two new companies, wrote a novel, grew into a better actor, wife and dog mom, and became a Certified Life Coach through the ICF (International Coaching Federation) accredited Life Purpose Institute. Now, I am passionate about debunking the myth of the suffering artist, knowing first-hand that each of us can and should lead beautifully artistic lives we design and execute on our own terms.